Influence of Electromagnetic Generalized Thermoelasticity Interactions with Nonlocal Effects under Temperature-Dependent Properties in a Solid Cylinder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Department, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, EGYPT

2 Physics Department, Alexandria University Faculty of Science, EGYPT


The temperature-dependent properties and the effect of non-local elasticity in the presence of a magnetic field have been studied in an infinitely long solid conductive circular cylinder. The issue arises in the setting of two relaxation times in extended magneto-thermoelasticity theory. In the presence of a uniform magnetic field in the direction of the axis, the lateral surface is traction-free and subjected to known temperatures. Techniques are employed to determine the answer in the Laplace transform domain. A numerical method based on Fourier series expansions is used to carry out the inversion operation. In addition, graphs depict comparisons to highlight the influence of various elements such as the difference in times and the effect of the non-local coefficient and Empirical material constant.


Main Subjects

Influence of Electromagnetic Generalized Thermoelasticity Interactions with Nonlocal Effects under Temperature-Dependent Properties in a Solid Cylinder

  1. E. Khader a* , A. A. Marrouf a, M. Khedr b

a Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Department, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, EGYPT

b Physics Department, Alexandria University Faculty of Science, EGYPT





Electromagnetic theory;

Generalized thermoelasticity;

Nonlocal thermoelasticity;

Solid cylinder;

Temperature-dependent properties.

The temperature-dependent properties and the effect of non-local elasticity in the presence of a magnetic field have been studied in an infinitely long solid conductive circular cylinder. The issue arises in the setting of two relaxation times in extended magneto-thermoelasticity theory. In the presence of a uniform magnetic field in the direction of the axis, the lateral surface is traction-free and subjected to known temperatures. Techniques are employed to determine the answer in the Laplace transform domain. A numerical method based on Fourier series expansions is used to carry out the inversion operation. In addition, graphs depict comparisons to highlight the influence of various elements such as the difference in times and the effect of the non-local coefficient and Empirical material constant.



1.      Introduction

The theory of thermoelasticity deals with the effect of thermal and mechanical disturbances on an elastic body. Earlier interest in it resulted in a large number of theoretical and experimental research works. Thermoelasticity is important because it has numerous applications in domains including aviation, nuclear reactors, modern propulsion system technology, plasma physics, and geophysics. Green and Lindsay [1] introduced the theory of generalized thermoelasticity, which is often referred to as the theory of generalized thermoelasticity with two relaxation times. The fundamental considerations of that theory have been the subject of numerous works. For example, Hany [2] has solved a model consisting of a half-space governed by thermoelastic equations with two relaxation times. The action at the ambient level is carried out by a combination of thermal and mechanical shocks that act for a limited time. Khader et al. [3] applied Green and Lindsay's theory to a model of transient heat response in infinitely long annular cylinder surfaces with an internal heat source. Surendra and Elsibai [4] applied the two different theories of generalized thermal elasticity to a spherical cavity, and their results were compared with the classical dynamic-coupled theory. The interaction of magnetic fields and pressure in a hot solid material is gaining popularity due to its numerous applications in geophysics, plasma physics, and other domains. Extremely high temperatures and temperature gradients, as well as magnetic fields occurring within nuclear reactors, have an impact on their design and operation in the nuclear field [5]. The heat equation under discussion is usually the uncoupled or coupled equation, not the generalized one, in these investigations. In some cases, where the answers determined using either of these equations deviate slightly quantitatively, this attitude is valid. When considering short-time impacts, however, the whole, generalized system of equations must be used; otherwise, a significant amount of accuracy would be lost. Among the authors who considered the generalized magneto-thermoelastic equations are Sherief [6-9]. Ezzat and others [10-14] have studied thermoelastic Bodies and viscoelastic materials with fractional. He [15] studied the generalized electromagnetic-thermoelastic problem for an infinitely long solid cylinder. Abd-Alla et al. [16] have discussed the Rayleigh surface wave propagation in an orthotropic rotating magneto-thermoelastic medium under the effect of gravity and initial stress. Othman and others [17-21] have presented many papers in which they studied Lord-Shulman theory, generalized thermoelasticity plane waves with two relaxation times, and temperature-dependent properties. Many authors contributed to this subject [22-37]. As is widely known, the physical properties of engineering materials vary significantly with temperature. Because the modulus of elasticity drops dramatically with temperature, the material's ability to elastically resist thermal loads declines. As a result, plastic deformation occurs at far lower thermal stresses than systems with constant physical properties imply. Araki [38] studied a thermal stress analysis of a thermos-viscoelastic hollow cylinder with temperature-dependent properties. Abbas [39] discussed the eigenvalue approach method in three-dimensional generalized thermoelastic with temperature-dependent material properties. Abouelregal [40] solved the boundary value problem of a one-dimensional semi-infinite piezoelectric medium. In several papers [41-56] the temperature-dependent properties of materials have been studied as the non-local theory of elasticity. In this work, the temperature-dependent properties and the effect of non-local elasticity in the presence of a magnetic field have been studied numerically in an infinitely long solid conductive circular cylinder.

2.     Governing Equations and Mathematical Model

Let (r, φ, z) be cylindrical polar coordinates with the z-axis coinciding with the axis of a solid; infinitely long, elastic circular cylinder of a homogenous, isotropic material of radius r,  . The cylinder is placed in a magnetic field, as shown in Figure 1. Due to Maxwell’s equations, electrodynamics equations are linearly simplified for a perfectly homogeneous, conducting elastic solid



Ohm’s law for moving media
















Fig. 1. An infinitely long solid cylinder

From (1) and (2), we obtain:







from equations (3) and (5), we get



from equations (4) and (6), we obtain



The strain components



The cubic dilatation e is given by



The stress tensor σij’s are given by









The equations of motion and equation of heat conduction [53]








By applying the initial and boundary conditions, we can solve the problem.



The induced magnetic and electric fields are continues.



Traction-free and thermal shock,



from equations (4) and (18), substituting Fr into equation (14), we get



to discuss the effect of the temperature-dependent material on the considered physical fields of the problem, following [39], we assume that



temperature-independent properties, when we are put

3.     Solution of the Problem

Let us introduce the non-dimension variables [20]


The equations (4), (7), (10), (16), and (20), can be written in the non-dimensional form,













Applying the Laplace transform with parameter s to both sides of equations (21)-(25), we obtain











Eliminating   from equations (27), (29), and (30), we get






 and  satisfy the equations,





The solutions of equations (31)-(33), have the forms







where,  is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order zero, and  are the roots of the characteristic equation:



from equations (26) and (36), we obtain



The displacement,  , can be found in equations (9) and (34)



from equations (34), (35), (39), and 28), we obtain



in the free space, around the cylinder, the induced fields E0 and h0 satisfy the following equations,





From equations (41) and (42) by eliminating , we get



The solution of equation (43) is given by



where  is a modified Bessel function of the second kind of order zero, and  is some parameter depending on s only.

from equation (44) and equation (42), we obtain



The boundary conditions after taking the Laplace transform of both sides, we obtain



by using equations (46), we can obtain the systems of linear equations for the unknown parameters









4.     Numerical results

To get the inverse of Laplace transforms, we use the method proposed in [57]. A numerical analysis is performed to study the effects of nonlocal and temperature-dependent properties. For the purpose of illustration, the material properties are listed as [6], [39].



Fig. 2. Temperature distribution


Fig. 3. Displacement distribution


Fig. 4. Radial stress distribution


Fig. 5. Electric field distribution


Fig. 6. Induced magnetic field distribution


Fig. 7. Temperature distribution


Fig. 8. Displacement distribution


Fig. 9. Radial stress distribution


Fig. 10. Electric field distribution


Fig. 11. Induced magnetic field distribution


Fig. 12. Temperature distribution


Fig. 13. Displacement distribution


Fig. 14. Radial stress distribution


Fig. 15. Electric field distribution


Fig. 16. Induced magnetic field distribution

Figures (2-6) represent the graphs for the induced electric and magnetic field, stress, displacement, and temperature, in the case of absent nonlocal (  ) and temperature-independent properties (  ). We can solve the problem by using three values of times, namely for  , , and  . Solid lines represent the case when t = 0.12, Dotted lines represent the solution for t = 0.05, and dashed lines represent the solution for t = 0.08.  We first evaluate the derivation in the last section and the numerical inverse of the Laplace transform algorithm. The temperature on the cylinder surface is constant at 1. From all the graphs, it is easy to see that all functions satisfy the boundary conditions. We observe that the value of the temperature increases when the value of time increases. The position of the maximum points of stress and displacement-induced electric and magnetic fields with respect to radius increases when the time increases. The finite speed of wave propagation is seen in all graphs, which is the major distinguishing feature of the expanded theory with two relaxation times. That is, unlike in the coupled theory, the effects of thermal shock on the boundary do not immediately fill the entire body of the cylinder.

Figures 7-11 represent nonlocal and temperature-independent properties (   ). The problem was solved for t = 0.08 and three values of nonlocal parameter, namely for , , and  dotted lines represent the solution for , the dashed lines represent the solution for , and solid lines represent the case when .

It clearly shows the effect of the nonlocal parameter on the temperature and stress (Figures 7 and 9). In figure 7, when ε = 0 (absent of nonlocal), the impacts of the thermal shock arrive at namely r = 0.4, but in present nonlocal the impacts of the thermal shock arrive namely
r = 0.35. In figure 9, the effect of nonlocal is appearing at the point of discontinuity.  The effect of the nonlocal parameter is very small in the displacement, induced electric and magnetic fields, figures (8, 10, and 11).

Figures 12-16, represent the case of absent nonlocal and temperature-dependent properties. The problem was solved for t = 0.08 and three values of Empirical material constant namely for , , and . Dotted lines represent the solution for , the dashed lines represent the solution for , and solid lines represent the case when . In Figure (12), we note that by increasing the Empirical material constant α*, the speed of heat wave propagation decreases; this is due to the change in the physical properties of matter. At    the impacts of the thermal shock have arrived at namely r = 0.44, at  the impacts of the thermal shock, have arrived at namely r = 0.47, at   the impacts of the thermal shock, have arrived at namely r = 0.51. In all the figures (12-16), it should be noted that there is a significant difference in the values of the considered function. This may be due to the fact that the temperature in thermoelasticity is an infinitesimal deviation from the reference temperature. Thus, the dependence of the modulus of elasticity on reference temperature has a significant effect on the thermal and mechanical interactions. And we show that by increasing the Empirical material constant α*, increases the values of the functions, which indicates that the physical reasons for elastic behavior can be quite different for different materials. In metals, lattice changes size and shape when forces are applied (energy is added to the system). This is evident from the figures (13-14).

5.     Conclusions

In this work, the temperature-dependent properties and the effect of non-local elasticity in the presence of a magnetic field have been studied numerically in an infinitely long solid conductive circular cylinder. We can draw the following conclusions in light of the above analysis: The physical quantities satisfy the boundary conditions, the finite speed of wave propagation is apparent, and all the results are in concurrence with the generalized theory of thermoelasticity. The studied physical quantities are affected by the presence of a non-local parameter, as they are strongly affected by some physical quantities such as temperature and stress, and have a negligible effect on some physical quantities such as displacement, and electric and magnetic fields. The dependence of the modulus of elasticity on the reference temperature has a significant effect on thermal and mechanical interactions. This is very clear from the graphs. The magnitude of all studied physical quantities increased in the presence of temperature-dependent properties. This study is useful for these problems. The study mentioned above is important in the study of structural components and mechanical elements such as pressure vessels and pipes in nuclear reactors, chemical plants, and high-speed aircraft. It is subject to thermal loads due to high temperature, high-temperatures gradients, and periodic temperature changes.



electric current density


electric permeabilities


magnetic permeabilities


electric induction vectors


electric conductivity


displacement vector

λ, μ

Lamé’s modulii


material constant


absolute temperature






magnetic field


Laplace’s operator


coefficient of linear thermal expansion


reference temperature


thermal conductivity


specific heat at constant strain

τ1, τ2

the relaxation time


Heaviside unit step function


Induced electric fields in the free space


Induced magnetic fields in the free space


Lorentz force




Empirical material constant


magnetic induction vectors


nonlocal parameter


This computational facility support from the Department of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics at the nuclear research center is gratefully acknowledged

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this manuscript. In addition, the authors have entirely observed the ethical issues, including plagiarism, informed consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/or falsification, double publication and/or submission, and redundancy.


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[1]   Green, A.E. and Lindsay K.A, 1972. Thermoelasticity, J. Elast., 2, pp. 1- 7.
[2]   Hany Sherief, 1994. A Thermo-Mechanical Shock Problem for Thermoelasticity with Two Relaxation Times, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 32 (2),pp. 313-325.
[3]   Khader S E, Marrouf A A and Khedr M , 2022. Heat transient response in the surfaces of an infinitely long annular cylinder with internal heat source, Waves in Random and Complex Media, DOI:10.1080/17455030.2022.2041765.
[4]   Sinha SB and Elsibai KA, 1996. Thermal stresses for an infinite body with a spherical cavity with two relaxation times, J. Therm. Stress, 19 (5), pp. 745–759
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[6]   Sherief H. and Khader S. E., 2013. Propagation of discontinuities in electromagneto generalized thermoelasticity in cylindrical regions, Meccanica, 48 (10), pp. 2511–2523.
[7]   Sherief H, 1994. Problem in Electromagneto Thermoelasticity for an Infinitely Long Solid Conducting Circular Cylinder with Thermal Relaxation, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 32 (7),pp. 435-452.
[8]   Sherief H and Ezzat M, 1996. A Thermal Shock Problem in Magneto Thermoelasticity With Thermal Relaxation, Int. J. Solids Structures, 33 (30), pp. 4449-4459.
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[10] El-Karamany A S and Ezzat M, 2016. Thermoelastic diffusion with memory-dependent derivative, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 39(9), pp. 1035-1050.
[11] Ezzat M.A, El-Karamany A.S and El-Bary A.A, 2015. Thermo-viscoelastic materials with fractional relaxation operators, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (23), pp. 7499-7512.
[12] Ezzat M.A, El-Karamany A.S and El-Bary A.A, 2016. Two-temperature theory in Green–Naghdi thermoelasticity with fractional phase-lag heat transfer, Microsystem Technologies 24, pp. 951–961.
[13] Ezzat M.A, El-Karamany A.S and Samaan A. A, 2004. The dependence of the modulus of elasticity on reference temperature in generalized thermoelasticity with thermal relaxation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 147(1), pp. 169-189.
[14] Ezzat M.A and El-Bary A.A, 2015. Memory-dependent derivatives theory of thermo-viscoelasticity involving two-temperature, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29(10), pp. 4273–4279.
[15] He T, Tian X., and Shen Y., 2005. A generalized electromagneto-thermoelastic problem for an infinitely long solid cylinder, European Journal of Mechanics—A/Solids, 24 (2), pp. 349–359.
[16] Abd-Alla, A. MAbo-Dahab S. M, Ahmed S. M. and Rashid M. M., 2020. Rayleigh surface wave propagation in an orthotropic rotating magneto-thermoelastic medium subjected to gravity and initial stress, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 27 (16), pp. 1400-1411.
[17] Othman M. I. A, 2002. Lord-Shulman theory under the dependence of the modulus of elasticity on the reference temperature in two dimensional generalized thermoelasticity, J. Thermal Stresses, 25 (11), pp.1027-1045.
[18] Othman M. I. A, 2003. State space approach to generalized thermoelasticity plane waves with two relaxation times under the dependence of the modulus of elasticity on reference temperature, Can. J. Phys., 81(12), pp.1403-1418.
[19] Othman M. I. A and Song Y. Q, 2009. The effect of rotation on 2-D thermal shock problems for a generalized magneto-thermo-elasticity half-space under three theories, Multidisciplinary Modeling in Materials and Structures, 5(2), pp. 43-58.
[20] Othman M. I. A, Elmaklizi Y. D and Said M. S. M, 2013. Generalized thermoelastic medium with temperature dependent properties for different theories under the effect of gravity field. Int. J. Thermophysics, 34(3), pp. 521-537.
[21] Othman M. I. A and  Abouelregal A. E, 2017. Magnetothermoelstic analysis for an infinite solid cylinder with variable thermal conductivity due to harmonically varying heat, Microsystem Technologies, 23(4), pp. 5635-5644.
[22]Mukhopadhyay S. 2000. Effect of thermal relaxation on thermo-visco-elastic interactions in unbounded body with spherical cavity subjected periodic load on the boundary, J. Therm. Stress,  23 (7),pp. 675–684.
[23] Hamza F., Abdou M. and El-Latief A. M. A., 2014. Generalized fractional thermoelasticity associated with two relaxation times, J. Therm. Stress. 37 (9), pp. 1080-1098.
[24] Santawa B and Roychoudhuri S. K., 1997. Magneto-thermo-elastic interactions in an infinite isotropic elastic cylinder subjected to aperiodic loading, International Journal of Engineering Science, 35 (4), pp. 437–444.
[25] Kumar R., 2009. Effect of rotation in magneto-micropolar thermoelastic medium due to mechanical and thermal sources, Chaos Solit. Fract., 41(4), pp. 1619-1633.
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