Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures

ISO Abbreviation:

Mech. Adv. Compos. Struct.

Facts and Figures

Number of Volumes: 12

Number of Issues: 25

Number of Articles: 336

Number of Contributors: 799

Article View: 399,940

PDF Download: 188,206

Number of Reviewers: 888

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures (MACS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal (print and online) within mechanics aspects of advanced materials and composite structures and is now published twice a year, which was founded in 2014 by Semnan University Press. The journal will publish the latest and most innovative research results dealing with analytical methods and numerical simulations, experimental investigations, and research and development studies relevant to the knowledge and application of new and advanced materials and composites in engineering structures, including basic individual structural components such as beams, plates, and shells.

The journal welcomes contributions in relation to the new computational approaches and novel applications to gain an understanding of mechanical properties, thermal behavior, vibration and dynamic characteristics, damage evolution (detection and modeling), and failure mechanisms.

Major areas covered by this journal include various polymer, metal, and ceramic matrix composites; nanomaterials and nanocomposites; self-healing materials; actuator/sensor (smart) materials and structures; active and passive control of composite structures; functionally graded materials; biomaterials and biocomposites; polymeric based adhesives; measuring and testing techniques for composite materials; processing and manufacturing of composites and nanocomposites; and mathematical models at different scales: nano, micro, meso, and macro.

The Editorial Board accepts for publication only manuscripts in English submitted via the electronic system available on the journal website. All articles accepted for publication will be available online followed by printed in hard copy.

The journal title is abbreviated as MECH ADV COMPOS STRUCT.


 MACS has achieved to Q3 level journal ranking in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR):

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Special Issue Announcement: Mechanics of Advanced Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures (Submission Deadline: 31st November 2024)


Current Issue: Volume 12, Special Issue 2: Mechanics of Advanced Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures - Serial Number 25, August 2025 (Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Semnan University, Handled by the Esteemed Journal Editor, Prof. Dr. Mavinkere Rangappa Sanjay - In Progress) 

Mechanical Properties of Hemp Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites for Drone Propeller Guard Application

Pages 271-277


Witawat Singsang; Thanasak Khamsin; Chayapol Prachumchon; Anurak Rodbumrung; Benjamas Netiworaruksa; Natkrita Prasoetsopha; Ing-orn Sittitanadol

Design and Development of a Pine Needle Briquetting Machine for the Uttarakhand Region of India

Pages 293-303


Tejas Pramod Naik; Soumyajeet Jaiswal; Inderdeep Singh; Apurbba Kumar Sharma; Ayush Joshi

Effect of ON and OFF Axis Open Hole Tensile Testing of GFRP/Epoxy Composites

Pages 319-328


Sunith Babu Loganathan; Ashok Kumar Krishnappa; Jaya Christiyan Kumaravelu Grace Jesu Bai; Ritin Pavirala; Rajesh Mathivanan

The Impact of Fiber Architecture on the Mechanical Properties of Hand Lay-up Reinforced Polyester Resin

Pages 393-400


Witawat Singsang; Natkrita Prasoetsopha; Tanakorn Lanwong; Nawapol Khumsamor; Pongsaphat Nomrawee; Ing-orn Sittitanadol